Established in 2007 by Lacey Carter, Uniquely Chic has developed into Bakersfield's most iconic florist establishment. Uniquely Chic's impeccable reputation is well earned, from modern floral designs to the more traditional, their attention to detail and exceptional customer service is second to none. Since the beginning, Uniquely Chic has consistently ranked among the best rated florists around. Our floral design team has astonishing creative talents that consistently create spectacular floral art.
Lacey's impeccable taste and ability to execute the visually stunning as well as her professionalism and the care with which she treats her clients has created unique and lasting relationships. You are treated like family, and this has put Uniquely Chic at the top of the list. Welcome to Uniquely Chic! Take a look around into our beautiful world of flowers and order online or give us a call so we can create fabulous flowers for you too. Whether its flower delivery, special events, weddings or corporate services, we have you covered and you won't be disappointed. Experience the Uniquely Chic difference!